Lime paste

Lime paste

It is a paste formed by slaked lime (CL-90) and a certain proportion of water that serves as the basis for making ecological paints and mortars.

Under construction: Base for paints and stuccos. Base for base or plastering mortars by adding selected aggregates. Good disinfectant. Good bactericide. Fully suitable for restoration, rehabilitation and new construction. Suitable for Bioconstruction.
In agriculture: Disinfection of trees and plants. Greenhouse bleaching. Disinfection of stables, stable pens, etc.

  • Bulk density: 1.20 to 1.30 g / cm3 (UNE EN 1015-6)
  • Granulometries: 40 microns – 1 mm
  • CIE System Whiteness Index: L * = 97 a * = -0.09 b * = 1.22
  • Max size of the paste particle <1mm
  • Yield by thickness: depending on the application
  • Fire resistance: A1 (UNE EN 13501-1)
  • Permeable to water vapor: 14.7 (µ) (UNE EN 1015-19)

PP 25-50Kg bags