Calcium Oxide

Calcium Oxide

Calcium oxide (CaO), also known as burnt lime, quicklime, pebble lime, and calcium, is an odorless gray or gray-white chemical compound that is primarily used in manufacturing applications.
Calcium oxide is soluble in water and glycerin. It has a molar mass of 56.0774 g / mol, a melting point of 2,572 ° C (4,662 ° F) and a boiling point of 2,850 ° C (5,162 ° F).
Although calcium oxide is a non-flammable material, it requires the implementation of certain safety precautions when handling, storing, or using in manufacturing. Reacts vigorously with water, which can cause irritation when inhaled or in contact with skin or eyes.

In extreme cases, exposure to calcium oxide can cause abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, and severe burns.


Sacks PP 50Kg / FIBC Big Bag 1,000Kg – 2,000Kg